
preventive diplomacy中文是什么意思

  • 预防外交



  • 例句与用法
  • And now preventive diplomacy has been enlarged both in terms of connotation and denotation
  • Arf is coming into the stage of preventive diplomacy from that of confidence building measures
  • Is preventive diplomacy a reasonable policy tool to avoid civil wars , or at least the worst excesses sometimes associated with such wars
  • China has made contributions to preventive diplomacy in its own practice , but china has not yet a clear understanding of preventive diplomacy
  • As the " peaceful rising " has been taken as a national strategy , china should use the opportunities brought about by preventive diplomacy and make more contributions to the world peace
  • The end of the cold war promoted the development of preventive diplomacy . secretary general boutros boutros - ghali issued peace agenda in 1992 , which represented the renaissance of preventive diplomacy
    冷战的结束推动了预防性外交的发展, 《和平纲领》的发表标志着预防性外交的复兴。
  • Preventive diplomacy originated from the diplomatic activities in the early period of humans . it was dag hammarskjold , the second secretary - general of the united nations , who first used the specific term - preventive diplomacy - officially in his annual work report in 1960
  • The core issue i " d like to discuss in this paper is the thesis that " cooperative security " is the rational choice of the security patterns in the asia - pacific area after the cold war . the following are my reasons : from the practical perspective , asean regional forum ( arf ) is the first and the only pan - regionally official " cooperative security " organization emerged in the asia - pacific area after the cold war . and it has made great contribution to the asia - pacific security : firstly , arf is the product of the asean ' s new security concept and strategy , which is in accord with the maintenance of national and regional security interest for asean and most of the states in this area ; secondly , the appearance of arf also conforms to the subjective and objective needs of big powers ; thirdly , the method to resolve the security problems by dialogue and cooperation , the building of confidence - building measures and the launching of the preventive diplomacy in arf have enhanced mutual understanding and mutual trust among asia - pacific countries
    本文要论证的中心问题就是, “合作安全”是冷战后亚太地区安全模式的理性选择,理由如下:首先,从实践的角度看, “东盟地区论坛( arf ) ”是冷战后亚太地区出现的第一个,也是迄今为止唯一的一个泛地区官方“合作安全”组织,它在发挥维护冷战后亚太地区安全方面起到了重要的作用和收到了良好的绩效:第一, arf是冷战后东盟国家新的安全观念和以此为指导的新的安全战略的产物,它符合东盟国家及绝大多数发展中国家保持本国及整个亚太地区安全与稳定的利益;第二, arf的出现符合亚太地区大国的主观诉求和客观需要;第三, arf以对话、合作解决安全问题的方式及它的信心建立措施和预防性外交的开展为亚太地区国家之间增进相互理解和信任起到了积极的作用,有利于冷战后的亚太国家走出“安全困境” ,实现真正意义上的普遍安全。
  • Preventive diplomacy aims to preventive large - scale deadly conflict through diplomatic measure ( s ) in a region of relatively high potential violence . however , preventive diplomacy cannot be used as a tool to intervene into the internal affairs of other nations . the asean regional forum ( arf ) has primarily formed its own preventive diplomacy with asia - pacific features
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  • 百科解释
Preventive diplomacy is action to prevent disputes from arising between parties, to prevent existing disputes from escalating into conflicts and to limit the spread of the latter when they occur. UN Secretary General Report "Agenda for Peace", 1992
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